

I am not dead. I am not gone. I am earning money, and by the time I walk through the door at the end of the day I spin around looking for a horizontal surface to call home.

This will not last forever, but it will make me appear to be off on some kind of exotic vacation. And it is kind of exotic, barreling through hours and hours of Moroccan footage and filmic bits. The downside to this creative enterprise is that little remains of what I affectionately refer to as ‘my brain’ come night. Ten hours at a mystery job, two hours of accumulated commute, a weak stab at parenting…I suspect humans were not constructed for this.

I will pop around here in fits and spurts over the next couple weeks. I may even return with a tale up my sleeve.

Meanwhile, enjoy the sunshine on my behalf…and leave me pearls for sustenance...



Girlplustwo said...

an exotic mystery job. now my curiousity is peaked.

i am sure you are kicking ass at it too. we'll be here when you come up for air.

Neil said...

Aw, too bad. I was fantasizing that you were really on some adventure in Morocco, not just cutting pieces of it.

QT said...

I am in the same boat, baby, so no pearls here....soon, we will get a break, non?

Anonymous said...

I imagined this was the case, knowing if it was me I'd be walking dead. The only downside appears to be the 2 hours commuting but all things considered, that's not so bad for LA.

See you when you're back up for air. xo

Willie Baronet said...

Hey, I'll take what I can get.

Speaking of interesting footage, check out today's post. :-)

Anonymous said...

Aaaah, beds. They are good for those who work hard. Enjoy the rest, and the work (or at least the making money part of the work).